Potential and Pitfall

By Len Wallick

Do your little bit of good where you are. It is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
Desmond Tutu

Two events form the basis of our Daily Astrology this week. Last weekend, Jupiter moved direct into Aries for the second time in less than a year. This coming Wednesday Saturn will station retrograde in Libra.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

First, however, a quick review of the big picture will help us keep things in perspective. If it’s Monday, the Moon must be in a cardinal sign. That’s been the pattern for the year 2011 thus far. This week, it’s Libra playing lunar host on the day named after the Earth’s satellite. This completes the circuit of four cardinal signs and we are not done yet. It is a reminder that this year is not some sort of lull between the T-square of 2010 and the longer lasting series of Uranus-Pluto squares starting next year.

Rather we are experiencing a continuum of the astrological theme of our time — the transitional nature of this period and, the contribution all of us make in our daily actions and choices. The idea that the personal is political is now more than a mental concept. It is taking form. That’s what the future will come from. It is an occasion for joy to know that all of us are empowered to contribute. It is also an occasion for sobriety to be aware of the responsibility this entails. As we will find in our discussions this week, the connection between the Moon and the cardinal events in transition is rather more direct and not just implied.

While the outer planets are re-deploying from last year’s to next year’s rendition, the transitional period is playing out on several levels. The Sun and Moon give us the daily pulse, helping us to get oriented because of their visibility and familiarity to everyone. The luminaries also provide the structural basis for tropical astrology just as they underlie the very existence of earthly life as we know it.

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