Potential and Promise

By Len Wallick

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.”
— Helen Keller

As we said yesterday, the first aspect the Moon made after entering Libra was to oppose Jupiter on the Aries point. Today, still in the same sign, Luna conjoins with Saturn in the same degree and at the same arc minute at which Saturn stations retrograde tomorrow. On the surface that tells us that the lesser luminary is traveling fast and the ringed one is moving really slow, which is true of both. On a different level, this information links the two trans-personal planets and their closely concurrent transitions. Our blog today explores that link and takes a closer look at Saturn’s station.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

If we were to say one word about the Moon in astrology, a likely candidate would be ’emotion’. Luna ebbs and flows from one aspect to another over the course of a day as do the feelings of all but a special few who are either severely disabled or substantially evolved. Even given that side effect of rapid apparent motion, yesterday and today have been exceptional with 37 lunar aspects to planets, major and minor. That’s more than one every hour and a half and that counts only the major aspects of conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. That’s a lot of emotional to and fro and attests once again to the continuous potency in the cardinal signs during this year of transition between outer planets on the cardinal points.

Emotions, of course, are a factor in relationships of all kinds. Even business relationships, governed by contractual boundaries and legal regulation are subject to emotional investment even if final decisions are determined by an economic bottom line. Among the many touches the Moon had and will have yesterday and today, none seem more auspicious than those with Jupiter and Saturn. Both of them have something to tell us about transition in relationships right now.

The lunar opposition with Jupiter on the Aries point is a pointed reminder of the need to negotiate. Given what appears to be the beginning of an expansive trend of energetic and probably well-intentioned personal aspiration, relationships may suffer. It will probably be necessary to consciously balance that trend by being strong enough to proactively offer more inclusive, non-confrontational options. We say necessary because in the long run, one thing that will probably prove true about the cardinal sign continuum is the need to navigate the course through supportive and constructive relations with others.

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