Intimations of a Goddess (or two)

By Len Wallick

This week’s astrological highlights are the Aquarius New Moon and the Sun reaching the halfway point between the Capricorn Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. Mercury and Venus will also be changing signs. All of that, however, will not come to pass for several more days. There are meaningful events in the meantime. We can start with a look back at over the last couple days.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

It appears to have been quite the weekend on both the personal and political levels of experience. Quickly-evolving events in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East have probably found some sort of parallel in private lives for many of us. On the one hand there is the phenomenon of what has been gradually building to become inevitable and on the other, the sudden release of what has been accumulating. The combination serves once again to make us mindful of where we are in a longer epoch. This year is a continuum connecting discreet events.

Last year, there was the cardinal T-square. That repeated tableau put us in touch with some of the longer, historical cycles corresponding to the movements of the outer planets. Access to those cycles was accomplished by the participation of the trans-personal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in the same spatial patterns. We thus were given the opportunity to experience similar and concurrent episodes in personal and cultural history. The experience is still there for us to refer to.

2012 begins the other set of discreet events, the resumption of cardinal point squares between Uranus and Pluto — five more of them in fact over the several years to follow — with lingering inertia into the new decade. Historical precedent indicates that the residual momentum will gradually shape new paradigms that may endure anywhere from a century to as long as a millennium. We now are seeing the beginning of that next rendition of the cardinal square expressed in recent days.

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