One Thing at a Time

By Len Wallick

…if I shall have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Later today, about 5:20 pm ET, Mercury enters Aquarius, joining the congregation of Sol, Luna, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, Ceres and at least nine other minor planets. Less than eight hours later, Venus ends its long Sagittarius odyssey, moving into Capricorn. Its going through the zodiac at well over a degree per day — faster than the Sun. Both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. That combination of events and influences will be the subject of our blog today.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

First and foremost, many thanks to those of you taking the time to read this offering. As a reflection of current astrology, our personal and collective lives seem to be busy and crowded. There is a lot of competition for our attention. It is difficult to know what’s important or where to begin. Perhaps it does not matter. It could be that the most appropriate approach is to take your pick and deal with one thing at a time.

As we move into the second month of what is shaping up to be an eventful year, some patterns are beginning to take shape. We knew going into 2011 that some sort of transition was in the offing. Last year’s T-square arrangement of trans-personal and historical planets in the the first degrees of three cardinal signs set the stage for the prolonged and epoch making tension between Uranus and Pluto that will begin next year. The question was, what would transpire in between — where we are now?

With one month of experience behind us, we gained a bit of symbolic perspective. For example, it is evident that today’s Mercury ingress to Aquarius is more than just a planet entering a sign. It is a McLuhan-esque representation of our daily experience. The Aquarian ambiance is like an alternating electrical current between the individual and the collective. Reversing direction frequently, cycling rapidly, binding the one to the many while at the same time leaving a clear distinction between the polarities. We each can distinguish our own needs and schedules while at the same time maintaining an awareness of the flow of information amongst our kind. Thanks to the advent of multi-tasking portable electronic devices, that awareness extends across vast distances and to great numbers.

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