Not So Fast

By Len Wallick

I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy”

Rabindranath Tagore

By the time you read this, Venus will have conjoined Pluto in the early degrees of Capricorn. By this time tomorrow Vesta, a goddess asteroid, will have completed its own Plutonian conjunction. Those two aspects and some loose ends will be the subject of today’s blog.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

We’ll start with a look back. In the astrological long run, this week will almost certainly be remembered for Chiron’s second ingress to Pisces. The first crossing was less than ten months ago. This time, the centaur will stay for eight years or so. That period that will take us through the historical transition implied by the assembly of outer planets on the cardinal points.

By the time our inconvenient benefic is ready to move on for an even longer stay in Aries, Uranus will be preparing to enter Taurus and Pluto will be two-thirds of the way through Capricorn with Saturn and Jupiter coming up from behind. If the past is any indication, we will be winding up this current decade with the awareness that Chiron is no less, or more, strange to us than we are to ourselves.

Little noted nor long remembered by comparison are the two cases of mutual reception. One, between Venus and Saturn, short in duration and pronounced in cardinal aspect. The other, between Uranus and Neptune, lengthy and subtle, subject to the sort of evaluation that only posterity can provide. Both occurrences, each in their own way, demonstrate that even foundation principles of astrology are not as simple as a computerized cookbook analysis would lead us to believe. Beyond that, the comparison and contrast of these pairings may lead us to this conclusion: everything we take for granted is subject to review and revision —  appropos for what appears to be a new set of paradigms for life on this planet.

We are now presented with an accessible summary of recent themes. Typically it’s a little less than a year between Venus-Pluto conjunctions. That frequency, combined with the canned cachet possessed by both objects leads to standardized interpretation — something having to do with sex, of course. Not the plain vanilla, endorsed-by-community-standards type of sex. Something more along the lines of an assignation — furtive, perhaps forbidden — all the more passionate and ephemeral for being so. Would that it were.

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