Reality Nibbles: Saturn and Haumea

By Len Wallick

Layers down underneath it all, a certain dwarf planet named Haumea has been in the thick of our astrology all year. Today, as a result of alerting elbows from both an erudite reader and the planet Mercury, we will finally give it some overdue attention. But first, a little foreplay.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Over the weekend the Mean North Lunar Node entered Sagittarius to stay for about a year and a half. This is one of two auspicious hypothetical points where the Moon’s oblique orbit intersects the Earth’s ecliptic to the Sun. This is a point that will not return to Capricorn until nearly two decades have gone by. This places the so-called south node in Gemini and begins a new era of eclipses and relationship themes between two opposing, volatile and dynamic mutable signs. It should be interesting. It will certainly be a change.

While we are on the subject of things lunar, let us not forget that this is the seventh consecutive Monday of 2011 that is taking place under the auspices of a cardinal Moon. Late overnight or early this morning, depending on where you are, Luna moves into the sign of Cancer where it will oppose Pluto about 12 hours later. That aspect, in turn, resonates with the ambivalence and polarity that Valentine’s Day has come to represent.

It would seem that there is room for a full range of feelings as regards to this ostensible holiday, which, unlike many, is purely social with no discernibly consistent astrological background. Whether you take it in blissful indulgence, blithe indifference or passionate offense, this year’s combination of lesser luminary, epochal planet and an axis so recently vacated by the nodes would seem to offer room to validate your feelings whatever they are. The key is to exercise restraint in expressing those emotions. After all, we have a long week ahead of us. You would be well advised to save your juice.

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