Just a Bite: Haumea and Saturn

By Len Wallick

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, we can embrace the real reason to celebrate the season — Girl Scout Cookies! Or not. If you are in the process of swearing off the sugar, we have an alternative to sink your teeth into. Continuing the discussion of Haumea (a dwarf planet orbiting our Sun), Saturn and Libra, which among other things is about the process of laying off the sweets of getting real with what will really nourish you and your relationships.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

From its very discovery in 2004, Haumea has been distinguished in two ways. It has been difficult to define, especially in relationship to other objects in the solar system. It has also exhibited auspicious timing in the course of assuming an identity. The two are related and relationship is the continued theme from yesterday.

It all started off with a quandary over when Haumea was discovered and by whom. In the realm of science, resolution of such a dispute would confer both prestige and naming rights. For astrologers, there is a little more at stake because the time and place of a new planet’s discovery are vital to the development of what amounts to its natal chart. This is important because a new discovery is a whole different ball game.

With the Sun and Moon for sure, probably with all of the classical planets visible to the unaided eye, every human being has a relationship that is a part of our DNA as well as our experience. We get them because they are a part of us. They are family in fact. Nobody needs to know the discovery date of Venus. It would be like asking your mother for her birth certificate. Not that we would put that past a few members of Congress.

Although we all orbit the same Sun, and that is not to be underrated, our relationship with the planets discovered by science is not nearly so intimate; it is known. It is of conscious intellectual experience. Admittedly, after discovery we can trace back and observe the synchronicity of a planet’s character with a particular time. Chiron last in Pisces during the 1960s is a prime example. Still, the awareness does not fall into place until we get to know the associated presence. Most importantly for astrologers, we can’t work with something we don’t know and the better we know it the better we can work with it.

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