Bit Off: Leo Full Moon

By Len Wallick

Tomorrow is the big moment for this week’s astrology — a Full Moon. A Full Moon in the last, or anaretic degree of its sign. This is the fifth anaretic Full Moon in a row. That trend has gone as far as it can go.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

When that sort of event takes place – the reaching of a furthest edge — things must necessarily go another way. That seems to be the theme accompanying the astrology of today and the days soon to follow.

In fact, that’s the wisdom at the root of nearly every oracular method. Determine when cycles or trends have reached the point where they must change. Then, evaluate the direction of that change and interpret that template in order to anticipate the course of unrelated but concurrent events. The astrology right now gives us a chance to practice just that protocol.

In the case of the Moon, the cycle is now reaching culmination. That means it relates to the sign where the New Moon last took place — the location of the Sun at the time of its conjunction to Luna. In this case that is Aquarius, the last fixed sign and the last air sign in the zodiac. Aquarius corresponds to the eleventh house, is classically ruled by Saturn, and controversially ruled by Uranus. Aquarius represents the collective, or more precisely the place where the individual and the collective come together — such as the Internet and the many forms of media that phenomenon has spawned.

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