Living on It: Jupiter Squares Pluto, Chiron meets Karma

By Len Wallick

“…for SHE that is least among you all, the same shall be great.”
— About Time

Tomorrow Jupiter exacts its cardinal point square to Pluto. The two planets are early enough in their respective signs – Aries and Capricorn — for this square to count as an Aries Point event. As you’ve read many times at Planet Waves, the Aries Point comes with the message ‘the personal is political’, and we have been watching this theme play out in the world and our own lives as the pressure of this square has built over recent weeks. Along with that we have a full house in Pisces, and it’s all connected.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

In this corner, we have Jupiter, warming up early Aries for Uranus, which will arrive there next month. The 2012 square between Uranus and Pluto is already contributing its revolutionary undercurrent to world events now.

In that corner, we have Pluto. Deliberate and irresistible, it owns the domain of early Capricorn, where it will still be next year when Uranus completes its square.

Both Jupiter and Pluto exist inside of you just as surely as they exist in the sky. Their location makes sure of that. When the Sun is where Jupiter or Pluto are now, at the beginning of a cardinal sign, you can feel it because the season has just changed and Sol’s direction and duration have altered with it. It’s the same for you and everybody else who is paying attention, anywhere on Earth; all of us together, all at the same time. Your personal experience becomes a political event. That’s the sheer power expressed when the Sun is in the first days of a cardinal sign.

It’s the same thing with a planet in one of those places. Make it two planets in two of those places, 90 degrees apart and you feel it as tension inside. The only way to resolve that tension is to do something on the outside. Action will release youthful ideals within you, expanding them to reality before they bust you wide open. Action will move the old ideas you were given but did not ask for, saying, ‘gotta go’. And what you are feeling inside is a new season all over the world.

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