Head First: Mercury and Uranus, from Pisces to Aries

By Len Wallick

It’s an Aries Monday for the Moon. The Moon is there all day today, after a conjunction with Jupiter on Sunday. The big news of the week is that Uranus makes its move into Aries on Friday, where it will be the next seven years. Before I get to that, let’s cover some of the basics.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

We are in the first days of the lunar month; the thin crescent of the Moon is now visible in the early evening sky. The Moon ingresses Taurus at 12:51 pm EST (9:51 pm on the West Coast and 5:51 pm in London). These early days of the Sun-Moon cycle are the time to align and focus your intentions. This is particularly true with the Sun in the last days of the solar year — in less than two weeks it enters Aries, and these final weeks of the solar year are a time to sow the seeds for what you want to be doing for the next four seasons.

When the Sun is in a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) it’s always at the end of a season. You can feel the energy give way from one quality to the next. it’s beneficial to go through this transition consciously and actually feel and experience the change. There is a gradual dissolving of the old season and then the sudden surge of strength with the new one. Every cell in your body is experiencing this, and your mind can too, if you pay attention. This sense of seasonal change is emphasized by Uranus, which will be in the first degree of Aries waiting for the Sun when it arrives.

This theme of planets transitioning from Pisces to Aries is a keynote of our moment. Right before Uranus makes its transition into Aries, there is a conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in the very last degree of Pisces. It’s like Mercury is escorting Uranus into Aries. The conjunction of these two planets in the very last degree of the zodiac is worth a close look.

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