Hand to Mouth – Astrology and the Price of Bread

By Len Wallick

You are the story here and now. Astrology only exists to help you write that story, or make sense of whatever part you did not have a direct hand in composing. Like most stories, yours is organized into parts. Interpreted through astrology, there are many parts going on at the same time. There are long parts that correspond to planets that take a long time to go around the Sun. There are short parts that correspond to the cycles of the Moon, the Sun or the planets closest to the center of the solar system.

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None of it matters, however, if you do not find the stories of astrology to have meaning or use for you here and now. To find some meaning for you, let us start with a question long used to put things into perspective. What does astrology have to do with the price of food (or gasoline, or any other essential staple or commodity)?

We can start with the Moon. There are good reasons for that. Nearly everyone has seen it. Most people are familiar with how its appearance changes from one day to the next. If there is anything in astrology that corresponds with your life, day-to-day, here and now, it’s Luna.

Your life changes daily to present new challenges and opportunity. The appearance our silver satellite changes with it. Every day you need to eat, sleep and otherwise maintain your body. Every night the Moon is up there somewhere, as constant as those needs. Today, the Moon is in the sign of Taurus.

Taurus is the second of the twelve signs in the annual solar wheel known as the zodiac. It takes the Sun one year to go through all twelve signs. To simplify, those signs can also be considered to be houses for the purposes of this discussion. Right now, the Sun is in the twelfth sign (or house) called Pisces.

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