Peak Experience — Sagittarius Full Moon

As with every Full Moon, Friday’s 12:11 am EDT opposition from the Gemini Sun to the Sagittarius Moon will be the peak of a lunar cycle. Unlike most luminary oppositions, this particular Sagittarius Full Moon will take place at about the same time a majority of other sign rulers are also undergoing peak aspects. All of which implies how this weekend might well begin with a peak experience for you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow defined peak experiences as “…transient moments of self-actualization.” Since Maslow’s death in 1970, the euphoria and feelings of connection associated with those transient moments have made their pursuit an end in itself — begging a question.

The indicated question is whether an orchestrated or induced peak experience is on the same level as a byproduct of working to better yourself. Can a weekend at a destination resort possibly produce the same results as working continuously and sacrificing significantly to master a practice for its own sake? The astrology (and ultimately, the experience) of the Friday’s Sagittarius Full Moon might give us a clue.

Because astrology begins with the Sun and Moon, their greater light sets a pattern for the lesser lights, the planets. That’s how a Full Moon comes to be the template through which all oppositions are interpreted.

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