On This Island: Transcendance, Mercury-Jupiter and the Moon

By Len Wallick

Transcendence is the order of the day. The dramatic events accompanying the last hours of Uranus in Pisces and its first days in Aries have transcended what anybody could have predicted. As individuals we face a choice of how to respond. We can hunker down and hope we will somehow be able to ignore what is going on, hoping we will somehow be passed over and unaffected. Or we can practice a little practical transcendence ourselves. If there is anything to synchronicity, the latter is what the astrology is asking us to do, especially now.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

It may seem like a tall order. It’s not a big deal. Transcendence means to go beyond. If you go further down a road than you have ever gone before, you have transcended. It’s that simple. Yet it is also that middle ground between the rational and mystical, the familiar and the unknown; the place you look back at and realize something magical happened even though the circumstances seemed ordinary at the time. It can begin by raising your attention, and your eyes, from what confronts you. Take a few minutes to look — just look — at the brightest object in the night sky, the Moon.

Today is named after the Moon. Luna is the stuff of dreams. To look at it for long is to drift off from where ever you may be and transcend the moment. That’s another form of going beyond, with your imagination. Most of the time, it is the first step in the process. Today the position of the Moon supports that. It is in the cardinal sign of Cancer.

When the Sun enters a cardinal sign (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn or Aries), a new season begins. The same principal applies for any object entering or moving through one one of these signs: something is in the process of initiating itself. Of all the signs, the one most closely associated with the Moon is Cancer. Having Luna there now places an emphasis on the comforts and security associated with home and hearth.

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