Where We Are: Approaching Mercury’s Echo and the Full Moon

By Len Wallick

Now is a time to pay attention. It is not an easy time to do that. The dramatic and auspicious trials that arrived with Uranus on the Aries point are painful and frightening to be a part of. Make no mistake, we all are a part of those events, regardless of our physical location. To ignore or deny what is happening now devalues ourselves. To turn away from what others experience is to deprive ourselves. Thankfully, at this time we are blessed with astrology that is doing everything it can to awaken and direct our awareness of where we are, which is as one with each other.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Tomorrow the Moon moves on from Cancer to Leo. A fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun, it is a higher octave of Aries. Building on the assertive self-awareness of the spark of life in a container of its own, the imperative of the solar lion is to express its will and make its place. The Leo energy brings creative consciousness to the fore. It pays attention to where it is and how it actively relates to its environment.

When the Moon is in Leo, its creative imagination and personal emotional power amplify and broaden the radiant power of that sign. As Luna continues to wax larger, it also supports the Sun, its luminary partner. It carries the Sun’s growing light brighter and further into the night. This helps us pay attention and in doing so pushes back against dark feelings and fear. The Moon’s light will continue to grow as we move towards a Full Moon in Virgo this weekend.

At that time, the Moon will be near the point along its orbit where it is closest to Earth, also known as perigee. With that placement, it is like a light drawn close to help us better see. Luna will also, by definition, be opposed to the Sun. Sol, on its last day in Pisces, will therefore be somewhere near the location of the Moon’s furthest distance from our planet. This point in the Moon’s path is known as the apogee.

Let’s put that another way. The hypothetical point of the Moon’s closest approach, the perigee, is always opposed to its hypothetical point of furthest distance, the apogee. This Saturday, when Sol and Luna oppose (as they do only once a month) they will be where those hypothetical points are. The Moon will be conjunct the perigee. The Sun will be conjunct the apogee (also known by astrologers as Black Moon Lilith). That does not happen for every Full Moon. It is exceptional. In astrology, exceptional is auspicious — and it gets better.

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