From Polarity to Unity: Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon

By Len Wallick

I believe in living / I believe in birth / I believe in the sweat of love / and in the fire of truth.”
–Assata Shakur

The Moon calls us. It calls us to stay in touch with our values as foundation for re-creating our public and political identities. This involves what seems to be an inward and outward sense of estrangement. It may not be true for you, but it appears to be the case for many. The diverse collection of elements which were harmonized at one point are getting out of tune. To resolve this means we go back to what we believe and find the place where those beliefs are consistent with each other.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Again and again, as Luna moves from one extreme to another through its cycles, it acquaints us with the principles of harmony and balance. It shows us how to integrate opposition into unity and move from there to diversity and back. It also provides us with an example of how to conserve our beliefs and integrate our values into a re-created whole.

Moving through spiritual Sagittarius all day today and most of tomorrow, the luminary of the night is waning towards its last quarter on Saturday. That will be the halfway point between its monthly opposition to the Sun (Full Moon) and their subsequent conjunction (New Moon) — as if to retire from the public over-exposure of a gaudy and well-marketed Full Moon that some referred to as ‘super’. But this waning is not a withdrawal.

The Moon is still working — in this case as a mediator — to reconcile an inner polarity represented by Jupiter and Saturn, located in opposing cardinal signs. These two, bridging the innermost planets and the outer reaches of the solar system, are destined for an opposition next week on March 28. Some would see this as an expression of conflicting values. In the case of Jupiter in Aries, we have the expansive assertion of the self from within. From Saturn in Libra, we get limitations imposed by relationships from without. Today, Luna says there is another way. Conflict is not the necessary consequence of polarity. Negotiation is a viable alternative.

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