Mars, Neptune and the Nexus of Our Time

By Len Wallick

Whenever you advise a ruler in the way of Tao, counsel him not to use force to conquer. For this would only cause resistance”
-Lao Tzu

If there is anything to astrology, the big picture will endow our time with the opportunity to end conflict and unify humanity, one person at a time, one day at a time. The coming days will bring this lesson home from several points in history, courtesy of Mars, Neptune and the New Moon, which is the unifying locus of the astrology.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Mars will enter the sign it traditionally rules a day before Sunday’s New Moon, also in Aries. For Neptune into Pisces, it’s the day after. Both events are a big deal, and both are part of something bigger: A confluence of events surrounding the time and location where one lunation cycle ends and the next begins. The theme is moving from opposition into unity.

It’s been a long time since Mars has been in Aries, since the last day of May 2009. It’s been nearly a century and a half since Neptune was last in Pisces; Abraham Lincoln’s 53rd birthday in 1862, to be exact. Over the course of the next several days they both come home to the signs they are most closely identified with.

The conjunction of the Sun and Moon this coming Sunday is not only closure on their most recent opposition. It is the other side of the space-time coin. The ‘super’ Full Moon was about geometric orientation in space. Earth was the focal point of a grand mutable cross. One axis connected the nearest and furthest points of the lunar orbit (perigee and apogee) which were, respectively, conjunct with the Moon and Sun at the time. The other axis of the cross was the line of opposition between the lunar nodes. Because of the players and their orientations, it was an arrangement that had some of the spatial qualities of an eclipse.

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