Motion and Potion — Mercury Retrograde In Two Signs

Time really is the wanderings of these bodies.
Plato (referring to the planets in “Timaeus”)

Mercury’s apparent retrograde motion, which commenced June 7, takes it back home to Gemini on Tuesday after a 19-day dip into Cancer that started on May 29. You are experiencing that dip now. After these 19 days have elapsed, Mercury will have traveled scarcely over six zodiac degrees, an exceptionally slow appearance for the fastest sign ruler after the Moon.

Astrology by Len Wallick

That’s how, so far this month, Mercury and everything it corresponds to have been characterized by two parameters: its motion and its potion.

The motion has consisted of one of the frequent apparent reversals which identify Mercury as unique, combined with a uniquely slow period with which Mercury is not readily identified. The potion consists of the cardinal quality and watery elemental nature of Cancer, which is home to the Moon.

Beginning Tuesday, the potion will change radically to the mutable quality and airy element of Gemini even though Mercury’s motion will remain uncharacteristically sluggish.

In all probability, Mercury’s unusually slow speed during a regression from one sign to another will be something you will notice and should appreciate, for such a combination does not happen every year. In other words, Mercury is symbolically telling you that this is a very special time when it will be possible to both observe and do very special things.

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