Bringing Your Life: Sun Enters Taurus

By Len Wallick

The Sun represents light, consciousness and day.”
Robert Hand (from “Horoscope Symbols”)

The Sun enters Taurus on Wednesday morning (6:18 a.m. EDT) for most of you reading this. The cookbook says that this particular change of sign is supposed to synchronize with a relaxed sense of well being. Those remembering the same ingress last year will understand that it ain’t necessarily so.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Astrology does not happen to us, nor is it a soft drink advertisement. It is we, the actors on the stage of life, who make things happen, or not. Astrology is a way of being aware of opportunity and challenge as well as a guide towards what responses are more appropriate than others. At the risk of disturbing a painful memory, it would do well to recall this time last year for a sense of perspective.

Sol moved into Taurus on the same day that Chiron returned to Pisces for the first time in over four decades. Hopes were high. Then an ill-advised drilling operation in the Gulf of Mexico went worst-case on us. In the days and weeks that followed, a lot of us went through something very close to the Kubler-Ross model of grieving a loss that has yet to be sufficiently quantified. To make things worse, we often forgot each other. We engaged in more conflict than comforting. Many of us were alone with our fears, sorrow and uncertainty. In our isolation, we were exploited. In our anger we forgot how to simply take responsibility for that which we are, simply, aware. It seems that we had either forgotten or did not know how to do some or all of these things. That, or we had lost touch with the power we have to participate in creation.

Now, the Sun is coming back to Taurus and we have another chance to show what we can do. We have the opportunity to remember and use our power. We can take a simple evolutionary step and change the course of events by simply remembering that neither the astrology nor the established order can do for us what we have the power to do for ourselves, and for each other. We can be the Sun. We can bring the light. Hardly a day goes by when we do not have the chance to help another person breathe a little easier. Simply being open to others, conscious of their feelings or sensitive to their predicament is a huge step in ending isolation. An offer to help, no matter how small the gesture, is delicious icing on the cake.

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