The State of Personal Identity — Mars, Jupiter and Eris

By Len Wallick

Over the next three days Mars, Jupiter and Eris will take turns conjoining with each other. In other words, this is one continuous aspect and needs to be considered as such. Like the Aries stellium of which it is a part, this triple conjunction is of unusual duration. It’s functional this week and into next, as if to make sure that we pay attention. The implied issue is where and how your personal identity makes contact with others and the rest of the world. There is enough complexity so that we should step back and break it down in order to understand it better.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

There are three things to remember about a conjunction. First, it is nearly always the start of a new cycle for the objects involved. It also represents a merging of planetary energies, usually within the ambiance of one sign. Finally, and ironically the most overlooked, there is the probability of an accompanying blind spot that comes of being too close, too attached or too invested.

A conjunction of three planets is something that does not repeat very often. So it is not just the start of a cycle, but a very long one. This one closely follows rare sign changes by Chiron, Uranus and Neptune which all took place within a matter of weeks. That makes it part of a pattern. Astrology leads us to anticipate the pattern will have a counterpart in the events of our lives. That parallel will probably have something to do with a lot of exceptional things taking place in a short period of time. The question is whether you are participating or being acted upon.

Every unprecedented event is a threat when conformity and organization are the prioritized. This is especially so when values are imposed by a power structure incapable of adapting to change. For those whose inclination is to act, explore or create, however, uncertainty is stimulating rather than something to fear. The current astrology indicates an advantage for the latter set of values. It implies we are facing challenges that our conditioning has not prepared us for. We are encouraged to be proactive and take our personal and collective evolution into our own hands. This begins with a sense of personal identity.

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