To Be and to Do – Coming Around to Taurus

By Len Wallick

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”
-John Muir

The luminaries and personal planets will move in a common energy for the remainder of this week and into next. It is a tableau symbolic of the fabric of life that weaves us all together. It also represents an attachment to life itself. The question is whether we are to be connected together in action or bound separately by fear.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

The Moon is in Virgo today, a sign ruled by Mercury. Tomorrow, it will continue to Libra, and the rulership of Venus. By the end of this week it will be in Scorpio, with its Martian disposition. Along the way Luna will oppose all three of those ruling planets and finally the Sun. By the time the luminaries exact their opposition in the form of the Full Moon that will start next week, all of the personal planets and the Sun will be together in Taurus, the other sign of Venusian rulership.

The common denominator is Taurus, the symbol of animate matter and material life. First the Sun moved there. Then, the current lunation (period of time between New Moons) began there. Now the fixed earth sign is coming into its own with the three planets most closely associated with our daily lives: Mars, Venus and Mercury. In return, our daily lives become about the immediate potential and peril of being here, moment-to-moment, in this body.

There is no reason why conscious life in a physical body should be the sole form of sentience. However, it is the only state of a human’s being that we can access directly through our physical senses. Therefore for many, being becomes equivalent to having. Acquisition, consumption and accumulation take over as the purpose and meaning. Granted, the tastes and sounds, the sights and sensations of our time on Earth are not to be denied. Those experiences put life in our living. Also not to be denied, however, is the fundamental fact of biology that the body through which we have those experiences does not function indefinitely.

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