Think-work – Mercury Conjunct Saturn

Mercury conjoins Saturn in cardinal air Libra on Thursday. This dynamic aspect will reward preparation, and today is not too soon to start thinking of it. We can start with the three things a conjunction means in general and how those meanings correspond to what you should be aware of now. It would also be wise to consider both sides of the potential when Mercury and Saturn get together in the same degree of the same sign. In your own life, the protocol will come down to reading your own mind and the actions of others carefully and in collaboration.

There are three things to remember about conjunctions. Most obviously, the aspect is a merger of archetypes. Mercury, the innermost visible planet, symbolizes the mind made known. Saturn, the most distant classical planet, represents a defining limitation. Together they can represent disciplined and focused thinking. There is also a converse tendency for inhibition and doubt. While nearly every aspect in astrology has at least two sides, this one is among the most polarized. That’s the first thing to be aware of going into the week.

Another thing to know about conjunctions is that they are the start of a new cycle for the objects involved. Mercury comes around to Saturn annually, so their reunion is not rare. Rather, it is context that determines how auspicious this particular beginning may be. Mercury is now approaching Saturn more deeply into a more crowded Libra than this time last year. In addition, there will be a pronounced flow through the air and fire signs towards the end of the week, denoting an open channel between intuition and reason. One constant going back several years is the ongoing and intensifying epochal implications of what is going on in cardinal signs as a whole, and that is the second thing to be aware of.

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