Personal Matters – Venus and Mercury enter Sagittarius

Venus enters Sagittarius Wednesday shortly before 5 am EDT. Mercury follows eight hours later. Before lunchtime on Thursday, both Venus and Mercury will each have taken their turns with a square to Chiron in Pisces and a fire trine to Uranus in Aries. That is a large number of incidents in a short period of time. It will be at once reasonable and useful to consider it all as a single event. For you, this concurrent aggregate of ingress and aspects will imply a challenge that is also an exceptional opportunity to see the forest without losing track of the trees. We can start with the trees.

Every object in astrology functions as an archetype, representing something in your life. Venus correlates with matters of attraction and its counterpart, repulsion. Most of us are aware of what we find attractive. Fewer are conscious of what we attract to ourselves. Mercury corresponds to mind making itself known. It’s not unusual to know your own mind, or express it. It takes a little more effort to receive the thoughts of another. Our relationship to any given planetary archetype is most clearly revealed when the planet changes sign.

When an object first enters any sign, the archetype is conserved but its visage is altered. For the last several weeks, both Venus and Mercury have been expressing their essence from behind the mask of Scorpio, a fixed water sign. During that period, now closing, any patterns of thought or fascination initiated in late September may have been either persisted with or transformed as they were carried forward, depending on the choices you made. In all likelihood it was a series of experiences intuitively related to each other by their emotional content, along with a sense of outward confrontation connecting to inward tension. Even as that process is approaching culmination, it is now time to anticipate a substantial shift.

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