Feel The Water — Cancer Solstice 2014

When the Sun enters tropical Cancer at 6:51 am EDT Saturday, feel the water. Nearly everything else about the astrology of the Cancer solstice will be available to see. The emblematic water that distinguishes Cancer from the other three cardinal signs (Aries, Libra and Capricorn) will likely not be seen, however. You will need to feel its presence.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Any Cancer solstice is one of the four times during a year when the season changes. You can probably see the day marked by the publisher of your calendar.

You can also see the Cancer solstice in the world. Just as with the other season changes (the Aries equinox of March, the Libra equinox of September, and the Capricorn solstice of December), you can actually see what tropical astrologers express with words and represent with charts and symbols.

By and large, what you will be able to see Saturday has to do with the Sun. No matter where you are, if you are fortunate enough to see the dawn, you will see the Sun rise on the Eastern horizon as far North as it will ever appear. Depending on your longitude (or time zone), that will be about the same time the symbolic Sun crosses the line (or cusp) from Gemini into Cancer. That’s a pretty impressive connection between the literal and and figurative for you take in.

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