New and Old — Venus and Mars

Venus entered tropical Gemini yesterday for the first time this year. Mars opposes Uranus tomorrow for the third time since Christmas. Together, Venus and Mars are indicating a week of both new and old relationship experiences for you. Further implied is how the newer experiences may in fact seem more familiar and less surprising than the old ones.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Have you ever met somebody for the first time and felt like you have known that being all your life? If you have, Venus’ ingress to Gemini signifies something similar impending for you now.

Have you ever known somebody for a very long time, then suddenly saw a side of them you did not know was there? If so, Mars opposing Uranus for the third time in six months hints at more of the same in store for you (if it hasn’t happened already).

The astrological correlation between Venus entering Gemini and an experience at once new and familiar is not derived from rarity. Venus traversing mutable air is more or less an annual event. Rather, it has to do with two truly rare events in the recent past that may well resonate into the future for a very long time.

The rare occurrences were the two Venus transits across the face of the Sun — the first in 2004, and the second in 2012. In both cases, Venus was in Gemini and Earth was lined up just right to see Venus essentially eclipse the Sun. Inhabitants of Earth will not witness Venus cross the Sun again until the next century.

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