Seen and Unseen — Aries New Moon

Thursday at 10:37 am EDT, the luminaries, Sun and Moon, will conjoin just past the point where Aries begins. The conjunction will be a New Moon, the beginning of a monthly lunar cycle. That New Moon will take place two days after Sun enters Aries for a Vernal Equinox, which starts an annual solar cycle. The two brightest lights in the sky initiating their respective cycles so concurrently is not something that happens every month or every year.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It is a rare occurrence, and thus auspicious for astrologers who correspond events in the sky with events in life. The correspondence for you is that more than one cycle is beginning at the same time and not just for you alone. Some of those beginnings are available for you to see, others are unseen. Astrology can help you understand the former, perceive the latter and connect them both. You can start with the seen, which is Sun.

Sun is defined by day and light. Most of us correspond day and light with being conscious. You have probably been known to say that a light came on when you grasped a concept consciously. Hence, Sun in astrology is the symbolic light consciousness brings when you say ‘I see’. Today is a a good day to see, both literally and figuratively, how the symbolic and real Sun correspond. 

If you go online to or Astrolabe (or any number of other sites), enter some data about where you are, and generate a zodiac chart for today, you will see Sun’s glyph, a circle with a dot in the middle, on the line where the sign Aries begins. That line is called the Aries Point. What the Aries Point symbolizes in general is defined by what happens in the real world every time Sun’s glyph is close to it, something that happens at the same time in the same place every year. Now is the time and the real Sun is marking the place.

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