May’s Mutable Resolution — The Tale of Two T-Squares

If you feel conflicted internally, that feeling could manifest conflicts with others. Astrology graphically represents that situation through an aspect called a T-square. Over the course of Wednesday and Thursday, the last two days of May, there will be two significant T-squares. What the two aspects will have in common besides their geometry is that they will each consist of three objects occupying three different mutable signs. Those two mutable T-squares will symbolically demonstrate an important principle, that conflict can be engaged with consciously and creatively, without destruction, through authentic discourse.

Astrology by Len Wallick

We live in times when authentic discourse is rare. Many confine themselves to one pole, hearing only and strictly what they espouse. There is no meaningful polemic within one pole, only stagnation, which is not sustainable. That’s where the mutable signs come in.

Mutable signs turn the cycle of the seasons. A new season begins as the Sun enters a cardinal sign. Following each cardinal period is another which is fixed. You usually feel the new season taking hold with the Sun in a fixed realm. When a season has gone as far as it can go is when you will probably find the Sun in mutable territory, with the weather hinting at a new cycle, a different pattern. That is a challenging time for many people, who feel conflicted between tiring of stagnation and desiring stability. The energy signature of a planet moving in mutable raiment emulates that of the Sun.

There are four mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The lines connecting them through the center of the zodiac circle form a cross. In other words, mutable signs either oppose or are at right angles (square) to each other. When objects occupy the same degree in three of the four mutable signs, they compose a T-shaped aspect called a T-square. A T-square consists of two opposed points which have in common a square to the third object.

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