Sense of the Season — Sun Trine Saturn

The Gemini Sun makes its last trine aspect to retrograde Saturn on Wednesday. That air trine will be an occasion to begin contemplating Saturn’s long tour of Libra, which will come to a close in the first week of October. Saturn first entered cardinal Libra at the end of October 2009. That ingress was in many ways the beginning of the astrology peaking now. By the same token, Saturn’s tenure in Libra has been the symbolic beginning of what you are now becoming, an agent defining not only yourself but the world by the limits encountered in your relationships.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The life experience most often associated with Saturn is that of limits. Limits are not a bad thing. Along with your choices, the limits you encounter in relationship to your environment define who and what you are, shaping your identity and informing you of your purpose.

You are here for a reason. The sooner you determine that reason, the sooner you can go about fulfilling your purpose. The sooner you can begin fulfilling your purpose the better you will feel about yourself and your place in the world. That’s what it means to work with Saturn as its expression of limits is defined by the sign it occupies. We are fortunate that recent years have found Saturn in Libra because that symbolically availed all of us equally with a fresh start at determining our purpose, all at the same time.

When the Sun enters Libra, it is a new season. That’s what defines Libra as one of the four cardinal signs. Specifically it is a new season that begins with an equinox, a period of equal day and night for every being on Earth, all at the same time. Every other object that enters and moves through Libra emulates the Sun. So it is that Saturn’s archetype of limits has been expressed through a theme that combines renewal, equality and reciprocity for most of the the last three years. If you consider what was beginning for you and your relationships around Halloween of 2009 and compare it to what you and your relationships have become, you will get an idea of how well you have worked with Saturn’s new season so far and what you need to do to fulfill your purpose. That’s the opportunity represented by the Sun’s air trine to Saturn on Wednesday.

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