Something Bigger — Venus Sextile Uranus

When Venus opens a sextile (60 degrees of separation) from Uranus early Monday EDT, both will be a part of something bigger — a cue for you to become part of something bigger yourself. The “something bigger” for Venus (in Gemini) and Uranus (in Aries) will be a Y-shaped “yod” aspect with Saturn in Scorpio, exact to the degree.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The symbolic implications of Venus, Uranus and Saturn participating to form a yod at this particular time are clear. It is time for you to participate in redefining the established order.

Saturn represents (among other things) the established order in which you live, which is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, as part of the established order you are defined and sustained.

A human being by him- or herself is a hurtin’ unit alone in the wilderness. It is through forming communities that we have survived to prosper on Earth. It is also through community that we have taken on the obligation to return the favors our planet has so generously and tolerantly bestowed on humanity.

The Earth is an undeniably feminine entity from which life and nourishment emerges. Yet, relatively recently in the history of our species, something has gone awry with how the established order in which you exist relates to all forms of the feminine upon which your existence ultimately depends.

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