Fresh Air — Mars Into Libra

Mars enters the cardinal air of Libra shortly after 8:30 am EDT on Tuesday. The ingress to Libra concludes just over seven months of Martian vigor moving through Virgo’s mutable ground. The red planet normally requires only two months to traverse a single sign. After such a prolonged tenure as is now ending, the question is what difference it will make in your life after Mars doffs worn, dusty duds for something a bit lighter and a lot more brief. The short answer is that it will have something to do with energy. That’s because, as Robert Hand puts it, “Mars is an energy planet.” The longer answer will depend on your relationship to energy.

Astrology by Len Wallick

You may preface the Martian translation to Libra by asking what energy means to you. How does its presence, or lack, feel inside? What forms does energy take on the outside? Most of all, what energetic patterns, starting in the last weeks of 2011, have continued until now? Answer those questions and get a baseline to work with.

Once you grasp something of your relationship to energy, you will have a feel for how Mars most likely expresses in your life. After you get that baseline, you can further your evaluation of how Libra will modulate Martian expression by taking into account a longer continuum that was underway long before Mars’ protracted stay in Virgo.

The larger picture and background for astrology since at least 2010 is an ongoing tension, from Aries to Capricorn, actualized by Uranus and Pluto in continuous square aspect. The cardinal continuum between Uranus and Pluto, representing the intersection of your life with all life, has recently entered an aureole of time and space in which it will periodically be exact. This is intense.

Mars will unavoidably contribute energy to that intensity after leaving Virgo because Libra is also a cardinal sign. Right now, the Sun is giving you a preview of what to expect as it applies to oppose Pluto and square Uranus from cardinal Cancer.

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