Open To Healing — Jupiter Square Chiron

Jupiter’s Gemini journey reaches its first square to Chiron tomorrow, just after 9 am EDT. It will be a first for Chiron as well. Chiron’s Pisces residency has taken many aspects, but a square to Jupiter has not been among them. Now we are entering a period when Jupiter and Chiron will form three squares over nine months. That indicates we are on the threshold of something new. Taking the symbolism of the constituent energies and their orientation into account, Jupiter square Chiron implies you are on the threshold of realizing that you are the healer you have been waiting for.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The world needs healers right now. Nearly every one of us could use some healing as well. Yet we live at a time when few are inclined to act, even when need is evident. The wounded will to act is an inner wound. Perhaps that is where healing should begin.

Square aspects imply an inner wound that can be healed by taking an action, such as telling the truth. Think of a time when simply telling the truth lifted a great burden of tension and you will have found an example of how squares work in your life. On a zodiac circle, squares take place when two or more objects occupy the same degree of different signs that share the same quality. The qualities are three: cardinal, fixed and mutable. What the qualities mean is best illuminated by the Sun.

When the Sun enters a cardinal sign, a new season begins, however subtly. With solar ingress to a fixed quality, the ambient season has gathered enough momentum to make its identity clearly evident. Finally, the Sun on mutable turf brings hints of a new solar personality in development. All the other objects and points used by astrologers emulate the Sun and proceed through symbolic seasons of their own. Hence, when two or more objects view each other from the same phase of different seasons, they see eye-to-eye regarding matters of quality but contrast in their elemental character.

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