On Approach — Mars Conjoins Saturn

Mars will reach a Libra conjunction with Saturn at 6:36 am EDT on Wednesday. It will be an occasion for you to redefine what is possible. Because we tend to feel Mars aspects on approach, now is the time to participate as the red one and the ringed one initiate their new cycle. In the words of Robert Hand, a conjunction “begins a process or a series of developments … in accordance with the nature of the planets involved.” Since there is something of every planet’s nature in your own, it would be appropriate for you to start your approach to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn by considering your relationship to energy.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mars, once again in the terse appraisal of Robert Hand, “is an energy planet.” The character of Martian vigor is that it has no intrinsic nature. It is a force without cause or a container, energizing the nature of whatever object or point it aspects, especially in conjunction.

In addition beginning a cycle, conjunctions represent a merger. When objects or points conjoin, their individual expressions meld with each other and the nature of their location on the zodiac. With Mars involved, we can be assured that the combination will be energetic. Saturn’s contribution has the potential to either define or confront the Martian component. Which of those two possibilities prevails depends on your relationship to limits.

Saturn is associated with one of the factors that define your life: your relationship to limits. If you perceive and accept that limits define what is possible, some things will always be impossible for you. If, however, you consider that limits are only boundaries perceived, and that your perceptions define only you, then the nature of your relationship to the world will change, as will your approach to life. 

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