Coming Home — Mars Arrives in Scorpio

Mars came home to Scorpio today, at 11:24 am EDT, raising the issue of the person you are at home. Mars is Scorpio’s original ruler. Pluto came on board as Scorpio’s modern ruler only recently. Ingress to its ancient domain of fixed water is thus a homecoming for the red planet. Coming home is not to be taken for granted, whether for planets or people. Appreciation of what coming home means will be among the issues represented by the Martian sojourn through Scorpio, from now until October 6.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If you are fortunate to have a residence to come home to, you can appreciate what Mars returning to Scorpio feels like. There is no place like home to express yourself with less inhibition. You can therefore anticipate that Mars will now be less inhibited in its own expression.

You experience Mars as energy. That is especially true of your own energy. An appropriate task while Mars is cruising through Scorpio is to anticipate an increase in your energy, and prepare a place for it to go. It can be a simple outlet, such as exercise, which would improve your physical health. You can also consider how to improve your home. It begins with examining how you already express yourself when you have safely returned to your place of residence.

Whether you reside alone or with others, the person you are at home contributes to the quality of life there. Acting to improve the quality of life at home does not require you to be inhibited. It does require that your self expression be a form of exercise undertaken with the same purpose and care as physical exercise.

The purpose of physical exercise is to improve your health, not damage it. Avoiding any practice that would cause injury is no reason to feel restricted. Knowingly exposing yourself to hazard does not increase your freedom. You do not feel the need to jog on an expressway as a matter of principle; it would be counterproductive to your purpose. By the same token, it would not serve the purpose of having a home if you insisted on being able to express yourself in such a way as to make it inhospitable. You take out the garbage as a favor to yourself, not as an obligation to somebody else.

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