Will and Focus – Sun, Pluto and Chiron

Wednesday, the Virgo Sun trines Pluto and opposes Chiron, giving you a look at will and focus. Pluto’s Capricorn position is the solid rock of will upon which our future can be built, if we choose to see it that way. Even or perhaps, especially from Pisces, Chiron’s will is to contribute focus. As for the Sun, that’s what helps you see. The solar light of consciousness is there for the aware, literally illuminating the world you can see, and also serving as symbolic limner of the unseen.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Compared to Chiron and Pluto, the symbolic solar is fast. The Sun’s apparent motion defines the annual and daily rhythms that contain tropical astrology. The daily solar aspects function to highlight what is important now, as if to say ‘it’s time for this’.

Operating from the mutable quality and earthen element of Virgo, the temporal function of the Sun now is to presage a new season. You can see the solar process with your own eyes from one day to the next. With each passing day, the hours of light and darkness grow more equal. In reciprocal parallax, every sunset and every dawn is further south on the horizon than the day before. It is therefore consistent and reasonable to expect aspects from the Virgo Sun to include the anticipation of a symbolic new season for the objects and points receiving the solar presentiment. Hence, with its impending earth trine, Sol serves to not only pre-signify a new perception of Pluto, but also to shape it.

Trines are aspects that connect two or more objects occupying separate signs identified with the same element (fire, earth, air or water). Being clothed in the same element means that planets in trine are fundamentally in convocation from afar through shared raiment. The enhanced communication fostered by a consistent medium also encourages an empathy of sorts. Planets in empathy, like people in empathy, take resemblance from each other. That is how the Virgo Sun may be supplemented — given its common ground with Pluto — by also illuminating a mutual purpose of fostering a new season in your perceptions.

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