Back From Distraction – Mercury Enters Virgo

Mercury enters its Virgo exaltation tomorrow, there to help you drive back from distraction. Mercury’s tour of its alternative rulership (the other being Gemini) will begin about 12 hours after the Virgo Sun is opposed by a Pisces Full Moon. It will conclude shortly after the Virgo New Moon next month. The symbolism is implicit. Mercury’s Virgo tenure will coincide almost exactly with the time it will take for the Moon to move from opposing to conjoining with the Sun. That means Mercury will be available to work with as you reintegrate what could be a divided and distracted consciousness.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For astrology, the Sun is what others see of your consciousness. Some call it personality. The Moon symbolizes private consciousness, sometimes hidden even from you. Tomorrow’s Pisces Full Moon is shaping up to illuminate the bifurcation with experiences that could drive you to distraction.

The full frontal reflection of polarities that a Full Moon represents does not happen overnight. The themes of your own experience have developed gradually to a climax over two weeks. You probably know, or at least feel by now, what’s coming to a head. By the same token, the waning phases of the lunar cycle allow another two weeks for you to recover, review and reconcile before a new pattern of gradual revelation and culmination begins the next time the Sun and Moon conjoin. That very process has brought you to this moment.

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