Try It On – Venus enters Leo

On Thursday at 10:48 am EDT, Venus enters Leo. Venus’ move from Cancer to Leo will symbolize a good time to try some things on. Now is a good time to think about what those things will be.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It does not have to be actual clothing, although that would work. Neither does it need to be something new, although that would not hurt. The objective is to notice what things are finding you, what keeps trying to get your attention, and to give your attention in return by trying them on.

To paraphrase shamanic astrologer Sheila Belanger, you should try on the idea that planets are archetypes, acting as players in your life. That means see Venus as part of your life. For most of us, that part will have something to do with the phenomenon and principles of attraction.

According to Robert Hand, “Venus rules the spontaneous power of attraction.” If you try that idea on and consider how the phenomenon of attraction spontaneously appears in your life, you will have also found where Venus appears in your life. That is the first step, and taking it makes Venus as real for you as part of your body. The next step is to correlate where Venus is with what it is wearing. Determining what Venus is wearing means first observing where it is.

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