Seeing Stars – Venus Trine Uranus

You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. — from Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

When leonine Venus briefly trines the Aries lair of Uranus shortly before 1 am Thursday, you may see stars. You could literally be viewing the night sky at that hour. Alternatively, the stellar vision may manifest in a dream, or in the arms of a lover, or in the eyes of a child who has called you to service. It matters not what form your glimpse of celestial sparks will take. Indeed, the form will probably be unexpected, perhaps even unbidden. What will matter is that you see the light, and how you see yourself in turn.

Astrology by Len Wallick

When the Earth turns away from the nearest star, our Sun, the distant suns appear out of the blue. Moving against the field of farther lights, the planets reflect solar radiance. Together, the planets and stars shine for a purpose, that of attracting you to your purpose.

Attraction is how Venus works in your life. As Robert Hand put it, “Venus rules the spontaneous power of attraction between entities that differ in such a way that together they form a higher and more complex whole than would otherwise be possible.” By way of preparing to participate with Venus in its fire trine to Uranus, please begin by considering yourself to be one of the entities Mr. Hand is referring to. In the process of affirming yourself as an entity, please also contemplate what that means.

By acknowledging yourself to be an entity, you validate your existence. Instead of simply functioning as a point of view, an entity aware of its existence emerges from the glare of consciousness and appears out of the blue as a light to be discerned by other entities. Of course, self-awareness, like any other form of awareness, caries an obligation. Specifically, your implied duty is to how others see you. Assuming responsibility for how others perceive you makes you valuable, and value is what makes Venus tick.

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