How Many Times — Sun Square Galactic Center

And how many deaths will it take till we know that too many people have died?
Bob Dylan

The Virgo Sun squares the center of our galaxy at 10 am EDT Wednesday, asking how many times that aspect need repeat before we get it. Square aspects relate objects or points occupying different signs that share the same quality, either cardinal, fixed or mutable. Virgo is mutable, as is Sagittarius, where the Galactic Core is all but stationary. All squares represent a test of some sort, and the tension we feel when being tested.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mutable squares test whether we are ready to release old patterns and enter a new season. Every time the Sun assumes mutable character, it means a new season is approaching for the whole world at once. Twice a year, when the Sun squares the Galactic Center, it always means the impending new season will begin with an equinox, which implies a test on the subject of equality.

At its most fundamental, equality means no difference. Twice a year, we receive an illumination from the center of the solar system, demonstrating that there is no difference when it comes to the most fundamental phenomenon of life on Earth — the light of the Sun.

During the days of equinox, every being on this planet has an equal experience of the Sun, belying any and all attempts to assert difference as a valid concept. Yet somehow, human beings either miss, ignore or deny the Sun’s lesson every time in recent memory. We instead persist with insistence that difference is fundamental, wondering why every endeavor so conceived consistently fails.

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