Give It A Chance — Sun Enters Libra

The newspaper said ‘Say, what you doing in bed?’ I said ‘We’re only trying to get us some peace.’
John Lennon

The Sun enters Libra at 10:49 am EDT on Saturday, implying the equivalence of peace and love. Equivalence would be the equinox always precipitated by a solar ingress to Libra. Love will be the Libra Sun’s first major aspect this year, an air trine to the asteroid Amor on the doorstep of Aquarius. The Sagittarius Moon’s concurrent conjunction to the center of our galaxy will invoke the elusive mystery of peace.

Astrology by Len Wallick

By going to so much trouble, the Cosmos appears to ask only that you do your part by giving love, and peace, a chance.

Peace and love as a colloquialism found common use with the Virgo conjunction of Uranus and Pluto during the 1960’s. The slogan was manifested by John Lennon and Yoko Ono during their famous bed-ins. Now, the sky is challenging each of us to live it or dispense with it.

The challenge is represented by Uranus and Pluto having separated from a mutable conjunction to a cardinal square aspect half a century after the slogan of peace and love became a popular cause. The first, or opening, square between any two objects emulates the lunar first quarter.

The lunar first quarter is the opening square between Sun and Moon. It represents the first challenge to intents or ambitions originating at the New Moon conjunction of solar and lunar energies. The nature of the first quarter challenge is an internal one. It’s you asking yourself if you really meant it, whether you really want it. That’s among the things the Uranus-Pluto square finds us doing at this moment. It’s a gut check to either manifest seminal ideals of The Sixties or drop the lip service and move on. Appropriately, the Sun and Moon both symbolically weigh in with their positions this weekend.

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