Space-Time Connection — Venus and the Aries Full Moon

You and me, we’re both the same, and that’s a fact.
Jimi Hendrix

The Aries Full Moon at 11:19 pm EDT Saturday will initiate a sequence of symbolic connections linking your person to our galaxy. The intimate will be portrayed by the luminaries (Libra Sun and Aries Moon) visibly opposed in space from either side of the Earth.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The opposing luminaries in geometric aspect to the current zodiac will, in turn, represent how your personal life emulates that of others. Finally, a connection through time and timing will make Venus and how it works in your life not only a vital component of the Aries Full Moon, but a place to begin describing where and when you are in the cosmic order of things.

So far as we can ascertain, the order of things in the cosmos is a gravity project still in progress. We have not determined the project’s result, but we do know what gravity does. The expression of Venus in your life is similar to gravity. You can see how gravity works at our size scale by simply throwing a stone towards the sky. The Earth, from which you gathered the rock, does not act to retrieve it. Rather, the ground attracts and receives without doing.

Venus, as an actual component of your life, works in very much the same way. In the words of Robert Hand, Venus usually “draws things to you.” The function of Venus, like gravity, is similar for all of us. We differ in how consciously we participate in what we attract and receive. Your consciousness has a special place in astrology, and its two major components, waking and sleeping, are represented by the luminaries.

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