You Are Experienced — Saturn Enters Scorpio

I know, I know, you’ll probably scream n’ cry that your little world won’t let you go.
Jimi Hendrix

Saturn the mentor dons Scorpio robes at 4:34 pm EDT tomorrow, encouraging your continued education. Instructively, the Ring Master will ingress the school of fixed waters scarcely ten hours after Mercury’s archetype of mind leads the way. The rare and unusual concurrence of the fastest and slowest visible planets will be as if to say that when your inner student is ready the teacher of experience will follow.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The image of Saturn as a stern teacher is outdated. Rather, it is for you to master the energy that Robert Hand has described as “each of us teaching ourselves about what we really are.” The first lesson is how you should embrace every experience: each one ultimately becomes part of who and what you are. To resist or reject experience, especially that which is new or challenging, is to program or structure an uncomfortable existence. That is working against Saturn and, ultimately, yourself. 

To welcome what comes to you is to affirm and accept what you will become. That is working with Saturn. Fortunately, the process, like Saturn’s motion, is gradual and deliberate. It is a process punctuated by periodic graduation to a new level of experience. The graduations often correspond to when Saturn transitions from one sign to another every two and and a half years. Mercury’s impending and unusual reconnaissance of Scorpio will represent your opportunity to begin Saturn’s next transition both mindfully and reflectively. That’s because Mercury will enter Scorpio twice over the next two months.

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