Hearkening and Heartening — Jupiter and Other Changes

Jupiter leaves tropical Cancer and enters tropical Leo at 6:30 am EDT tomorrow. In doing so, Jupiter will mark the middle of a week to be aware of, and encouraged by auspicious changes. That’s how, whether challenges or triumphs distinguish your life now, you should consider hearkening any personal or political events in the context of this week’s heartening astrology.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The temporal context in which to appropriately hearken Jupiter’s ingress to Leo’s fixed fire is the year-plus since it entered Cancer’s cardinal waters on June 25, 2013.

During the now-concluding tour of its Cancer exaltation, Jupiter has simultaneously served two major roles in astrology’s continuous big picture.

One role was as the symbolic valve that opened an unprecedented water trine aspect. Combined with Neptune in its Pisces rulership and joined by Saturn’s long slog through Scorpio (both of which are still in progress), Jupiter’s expansive nature completed a grand water trine that continuously flowed around the zodiac for over 12 months, symbolically irrigating every heart’s evolution. 

The results of the grand water trine of 2013/14 are not yet conclusive. If Jupiter’s participation hearkened an expansion of your respect and appreciation for the roles emotion, intuition and empathy play in your life, hearken to that. Just imagine how every person may have had something similar elapse for them, and be heartened by the conception.

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