Be Yourself — Libra New Moon

The luminaries, Sun and Moon, conjoin in Libra at 8:03 am EDT Monday. Every New Moon, and all conjunctions, imply a beginning. The location and timing of the Libra New Moon will distinguish something more — you. You, that is, at once less and more than ever before. If you can be less of what is not yours, the Moon will support you. If you can be more what is yours, as unlikely as it may seem, the Sun will show what you are made of. If you can begin anew on Monday, the pathway of planets will be illuminated as your own.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In its new phase, the Moon does not reflect solar radiation in our direction. It is the only time when Luna gets to be itself for us. Not the reflection of a star, but a distinct object with an important, often unappreciated, role in the order of things.

The Moon stabilizes Earth’s rotation, sustaining conditions that support life. In addition, lunar gravity combines with that of the Sun to create a tidal pulse that circulates and exchanges the stuff of life, connecting all earthlings as one interdependent entity. Its function in support of life, not the cold light by which we see it, is Luna being itself. Yet, many ignore or take for granted what truly distinguishes the Moon, and identify it by what is not its own. The same is probably true for you.

You are likely identified by what is not your own. In the big picture, it is not a situation you made, so give yourself a break on that count. The vast portion of humanity has long been coerced to follow protocols created by few, to benefit few. On the day-to-day and in the moment-to-moment, however, your doing contributes one way or another. 

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