Life Inclusive — Sun Enters Scorpio

By and by, nor spare a sigh / Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie
Gerard Manley Hopkins

The Sun enters Scorpio at 8:14 pm EDT Monday. Upon ingress to Scorpio, the Sun will join the asteroid Arachne in an historic water trine to Neptune at its Pisces home. Taken together, the aspects initiating solar Scorpio this year will be as if the sky is addressing a specific subject. The subject would appear to be the human condition. The message is that our condition is not a default inflicted. It is, in fact, an individual and collective creation through which connection may be made or lost.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Though connection is often disparaged as illusory, it can be genuinely achieved by accepting responsibility. Being responsible means seeing yourself as having the power to address your condition and that of others. That perception, or lack of it, creates reality.

The Sun’s immersion in Scorpio’s fixed water always challenges a perception most of us have been conditioned to accept as real, setting life against death. That flies in the face of nature’s cycles, creating a reality of struggles we cannot win without destroying ourselves, and ultimately, the Earth. The energy field of Scorpio, illuminated by the Sun, posits an alternative to making death anathema to life.

The energy field of Scorpio encourages us to affirm death as part of life. That goes beyond just being receptive, although acceptance is conducive to peace of mind. The conscious manifestation of solar Scorpio goes further, challenging us to see the entire cycle of earthly life from the most difficult of perspectives, when life itself is in transition.

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