Redefining Discipline — Sun Conjunct Saturn

The Scorpio Sun’s conjunction with Saturn, in effect for days, will be exact at 4:33 am EDT Thursday. It will be the first such merger in nearly three decades because Saturn has taken that long to return to Scorpio. You are invited to the reunion, where your role will be to make the astrology happen by redefining the word ‘discipline’ in your life.

Astrology by Len Wallick

For too many of us, discipline has a negative connotation. For some it is synonymous with punishment. For others, it is the only redemption in drudgery and despair. Discipline is also a word often associated with Saturn.

Of all the planets in the solar system that can be seen without the aid of magnifying optics, Saturn is furthest away from the Sun, and from us. Long before we had an inkling of its distance, and before its trademark rings were discovered, we distinguished Saturn by its slow apparent motion. It was through that deliberate motion, and the enduring nature it implied, that Saturn was correlated with the discipline valued by early civilization.

Anybody who has ever worked on a farm knows the value of discipline. Farming was among the skills that made civilization possible, producing the surplus food needed to feed a settled community of people with diverse and specialized skills. Somewhere along the line, discipline was diverted from nourishing productivity to organized thievery, otherwise known as war. It worked, and it was downhill for discipline’s reputation after that.

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