Safe at Home — Venus Enters Libra

Venus slides safely home to Libra at 9:04 am EDT Sunday. If you are fortunate to have a home, try to be there at the time. If you can’t be home at the time, picture yourself there. It’s not a safety issue, there is no reason to fear Venus’ return to the cardinal air sign it rules. You will want to be at home in one way or another because of what you are more likely to find there: the heart of your identity.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Home, so the proverb goes, is where the heart is. There is truth in that saying. It is a truth deeply felt, beyond what the intellect can grasp or describe for others to understand. It is a truth that acquaints you with who and what you are — which are easy to lose track of.

Popular culture posits that you are incomplete as you are, encouraging you to purchase something or partner up to fill the hole. Too often, the solutions offered by popular culture only end up filling somebody else’s pocket, while you are left out of touch. It’s difficult to get back in touch with who and what you are. It takes time. Yet most of us live in a world where we are tempted to give away our precious time almost as much as we are coerced to give away our power.

In addition to time, it takes peace and quiet to find yourself again. Tranquility and silence, or at least access to them, are among the feelings that let you know what and where home is. Once you have found the feeling, there is another matter to consider before you are home free. It is the matter of comfort.

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