What It Is — Mercury Into Retrograde

Mercury stations retrograde on Tuesday, Election Day in the United States. As we approach both events, it is important to have both a plan and perspective. After Mercury’s motion appears to reverse, we will all enter a period when we should plan to review and revise how we think. After the election, it will be appropriate to put the results in perspective. Either way, we will be dealing with what it is.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Acting with and upon what it is does not mean you are giving up your power. It means you are working within the limits of your power. Mercury in apparent reverse motion will allow each and all of us to discover those limits one way or the other.

One way or another, United States presidents have discovered the limits of their power. Somewhere along the line, the commander-in-chief lost the authority to end war and still remain in office. More recently, chief executives have lost control of their cabinets. Some presidents have figured out how to work within what it is, some have not. In a way, that has become the job description.

Whether you are a United States citizen or not, all of of humanity will have a similar job description when the presidential campaign ends and Mercury’s apparent reversal begins. The nature of that employment will be to evaluate the state of the world and review (possibly even revise) your place in it. The timing will be good. The first week of Mercury in retrograde will begin with the last quarter Moon, and end with a Scorpio New Moon solar eclipse while Mercury is retracing its steps in Sagittarius.

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