Hints of Healing — Chiron Stations Direct

Chiron ends its 2012 Pisces retrograde tomorrow with hints of healing. Because Chiron stations direct following today’s Scorpio solar eclipse, the most likely intimations will depart from what you know of recovery. Rather, this particular turn forward by the first centaur planet will more probably correspond to a turn of events, or a turn you take, that causes you to reconsider the concept of healing altogether.

Astrology by Len Wallick

You have experienced healing many times, or you would not be reading this. It is nothing to be taken for granted. Not all of Earth’s creatures are so lucky.

The common housefly’s body does not restore what it loses to injury. The energetic demands of flying combined with limitations of its physiology mean that even the most fortunate fly will eventually fall apart like an old shoe. Other beings far exceed the natural regenerative capacity of humans.

Salamanders and the octopus can routinely re-grow lost limbs. The appendages of some sea stars can even reinstate the entire body. So far as we know, however, only humans have acted to either defeat or forget the means of maintaining and restoring personal health and social amity. It is a predilection which has reached alarming proportions in recent years.

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