Easing The Way — Venus Enters Cancer

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Venus transitions from tropical Gemini to tropical Cancer at 10:06 am EDT tomorrow. By itself, and in context with current astrology, the ingress of Venus to Cancer indicates how you might want to participate in easing the way through passages that appear to be challenging all of us at once.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Astrology has seen several major passages this week. Based on the doctrine of “as above, so below,” many transitions in the sky implies many on Earth.

After after nearly a month of retrograding back into and then re-progressing out of Gemini, Mercury started this week of major passages by returning to Cancer as last Saturday transitioned into Sunday, leading the way for Venus.

Then, just two days ago, Mercury subsequently emerged out of the narrow (less than 10 degree) arc of the zodiac in which it had paced back and forth since May 22. 

That emergence, plus Mercury once again being expressed through Cancer’s cardinal waters, symbolized a chance for your mind to pass out of prior confines. Such a passage, taken consciously, would in turn help compassion to arise from a necessarily emotional grounding to a rational basis for altruism.

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