Comeback — Mercury Stations Direct

Editor’s note: between last-minute, pre-holiday work for Planet Waves and being in a rush this morning, I completely forgot to prep Len’s article for today. Apologies, and enjoy! — Amanda

Mercury resumes forward motion at 5:48 pm EST on Monday. The stormy period that predictably accompanies days when Mercury appears to slow down and change direction may currently have you feeling as though you have hit bottom. As you approach Monday, the key will be to push off the bottom and come back from where Mercury’s retrograde has taken you, possessed of the treasures you have found there.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Because Mercury’s direct station will oppose a Taurus Moon, one treasure you will want to come back with is compassion. Because both Mercury and the Moon will be in square aspect to the asteroid Damocles in Aquarius, the other treasure will be humility.

An opposition of Mercury and the Moon invokes the subject of compassion both physically and symbolically. Physically, opposition means Earth is between the two objects in question. If you see the waxing Moon on Monday, point at it with one hand and point down through the Earth in the opposite direction with your other hand to the approximate position of Mercury. When you do that, strive to both feel and contemplate yourself between two principles of your consciousness, intellect and emotions.

Mercury corresponds to the intellect, the Moon to emotions. Compassion walks between the two, seeking to serve the positive side of both, while avoiding the negative. The intellect is distinguished by detachment. The strength of detachment is good judgement; the downfall is lack of understanding. Emotions are open to understanding, but are often more concerned with demanding than giving it.

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