Open Up — Sun Opposite Jupiter

The Sagittarius Sun will oppose Jupiter, retrograde through Gemini, as Sunday transitions into Monday. This year’s opposition of the two largest objects in the solar system will encourage you to open up as never before. Opening your mind to include ideas and your heart to include others remains important, but a broader imperative now beckons. This year, the Sun’s opposition to Jupiter is asking you to open up and include yourself in an exchange beyond the material and the self. 

Astrology by Len Wallick

It is obvious that all beings exchange material. Every atom in your body was once in another body. It is less obvious that you can choose to include yourself in an intangible exchange on a wide scale.

Consciousness is intangible. Yet, without it, there would be no awareness of anything, tangible or otherwise. In astrology, the solar is consciousness. That’s because the Sun is the first principal without which the solar system could not exist. Also, the awareness implied by words such as ‘day’ and ‘light’ is inseparable from and has its ultimate source in the Sun. Finally, like the Sun, consciousness unites all earthly beings through mutual and simultaneous experience.

Among earthly beings, we humans have an extraordinary capacity to manipulate consciousness. That capacity can be useful to create distinctions, such as the lines on a map. Somewhere along the line, however, such partitions became our reality, separating us from each other and from the Earth. The trend has gone so far as to make us nearly unconscious of anything but self, almost incapable of opening up except to take in. The Sun-Jupiter opposition now developing is a symbolically opportune time for you to revive a conscious capacity to open up and be included.

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